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Showing posts from February, 2018

Pet Dental Care at Hazel Dell

What happens when your pet comes in for a dental cleaning here at Hazel Dell Animal Hospital? During an Exam:  The first step for when your pet might need a dental cleaning is for one of our doctors to perform an annual exam.  It can be difficult for owners to recognize periodontal disease in their pet, but not all pets need a cleaning every year. Most dogs will need a cleaning every 1-3 years and periodontal disease not only shows up above the gum line, but below the gum line too.  Dental disease may also be noticed when your pet comes in for reasons other than their annual exam.  The night before: To minimize the risk for anesthetic complications we ask that you to pick up your pet’s food bowl, at 8pm. Then, tuck everyone into bed and get a good night’s sleep before coming in to drop them off for their procedure.  In the morning you’ll pick up their water bowl too.